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Should this job be taken? Horary gives insight.

Recently, a mother asked if her daughter should take a job she was offered. For this, the mother (querent) is assigned to the 1st house and the daughter, then, would be assigned the 5th house of Sagittarius - making Jupiter the planet we look at as this is the ruling planet for Sagittarius. Additionally, we always look to the moon as general indicator of every question, as well.

Jupiter (Mary) is right on the cusp of the 10th house Taurus which symbolizes the job as well as its ruler Venus. Her mind is on this job, indicated by the placement, and being that it is located here tells that she most likely would get the position. Concerning is the separating aspect between her (Jupiter) and the job (Venus) indicating that this job wouldn't last.

Also concerning is the fact that Jupiter is "retrograde" motion, meaning that her interest in this job won't be lasting. Indeed, she was considering taking something that wouldn't be her "ultimate" position; taking it more out of a possible passing whim. Jupiter is retrograding back into the 9th house (which rules education, and this job was in education). This placement in the 9th house is a weak, cadent (fallen) house which means she is not coming from a place of real strength, or ability to act.

The moon is in a conversation with Uranus (trine aspect) indicating that the whole situation would be highly erratic. Pluto, placed in the daughter's second house of resources tells that she is concerned, and maybe a bit obsessed over financial things.

I advised that this isn't the right opportunity; too unpredictable and would be accepted for the wrong reasons. If she took it she probably wouldn't be happy and her time there wouldn't be long-lasting.

As it turned out, the daughter took time to think about the position and didn't pursue it any further.

Horary gives insight/guidance into relationships, finances, employment, health and much more - for you, or others in your life.

horary job chart
Should she take the job? Horary question.

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