The first vowel in a person's name can offer remarkable insights into our personality traits, emotional tendencies, and relationship dynamics. Following are meanings of having "a" as your first vowel. In analyzing a name, the first vowel is the first item we look at as it is a window to the emotions and inner desires of an individual and offers insights into our emotional reactions, core values, and distinct traits that influence one's personality.
Comes from a mental perspective; needs private time to be alone
Desire honesty, truth, justice
Can work hard and relax hard
Can multi-task
Need praise and can complete tasks others forget to do
Typically with self-sacrifice for the good of the organization or group
Others can take advantage of them if they are too self-sacrificing
Can overindulge in any area they really like
Thrives on sincere compliments from those they interact with
Can be resentful if others get credit for their work
Likes to be approached in a constructive manner
Combats self-doubt and insecurity in quest to do well
Does not like to be told "no" and will seek alternative solutions to problems
Can be stubborn when authority appears unjust or unreasonable
Likes gifts that are of a practical nature
Spiritual/intuitive by nature
Loves to learn
Need to learn to praise themselves; give self permission to say "no," balance tendency to self-sacrifice with what is reasonable
Watch for future posts on meaning first vowel in name. We also will look at what this means if it appears at the END of a name!