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Horary Example: Will my boyfriend and I get back together? Does he love me?

As a recent graduate of the School of Traditional Astrology's Practitioner level of Horary Astrology I want to share a simple example of the profound tool of a horary astrological chart.

This question was asked of me by a lady that was confused about her love interest and wondered if they would get back together, after a rough patch they had. Additionally, she wondered if he really did "love" her. She was confused and said that the boyfriend has been very angry lately.

This is the chart that was cast at the moment I understood her question. It looks complicated - because it is. The information we can glean from all this is amazing - but I am going to keep it really simple for now, so below this chart I have a chart that shows the key things to look at for this question, to show you how this works.

This chart below is focusing your eyes on what we start to look at. The Querent (lady asking the question) is signified by the 1st house, the Ascendant and it's ruler. So, Aquarius is the house on the cusp of ascendant which means we look to it's ruler of Saturn. This is HER in the chart. The boyfriend, the "other," is represented by the 7th house and ruler, so HE is the Sun as that is ruling Leo which is on the cusp of the 7th house.

So, now that we know the indicators for her and the boyfriend, we look to if there are any geometric aspects to each-other (Ptolomeic aspects for those that know astrology). If the aspects show these planets are moving together, we know there will be some movement together of the two people, for example. In this chart, the Sun (boyfriend) is separating - moving away from her. The sun is the faster of the two, and is now 15 degrees past where she is as she is at 00°31'. (Interesting that we can glean timing of events as well through how many degrees the planets are apart. They are apart by 15 "time units" (days, weeks, months, years) and through further investigation of the chart, we can come up with this pertinent timing. I estimated days, as that is more appropriate in the context of this question, and asked when she last saw him; she replied 2 weeks ago which fits, very closely, to 15 "days" as the time units.

This couples time has passed; they are moving apart from each other and with he being the faster planet of two, it is him moving away from relationship. When there is no contact between significators, there is no contact between the parties.

Let's see what else the chart says. Below is the full one, again.

While she is symbolized by Saturn we see she is placed in her first house. This tells she is strong in her position of where this relationship should be and she is the one taking action. Being Saturn, that indicates she is somewhat depressed, is more mature minded than the boyfriend, and - because Neptune is placed in this first house as well, tells her confused state of mind.

The boyfriend's indicator (Sun) is leaving the 8th house of his resources (his mind has been on his money, and the likes) and going into the 9th house which is a cadent house meaning he will have difficulty in acting, in carrying out what he might want to do. His indicator the Sun is conjunct Mars telling of his argumentative nature right now. His house, the 7th, also has the Moon and Venus. Additionally, Because of this, I asked her if by chance he had another love interest (these can be additional "people" in his house). Upon my asking she revealed that she believed he was interested in someone else already. While she didn't like the answers this chart was giving, it did hold the truth for her that the relationship probably was over and that he had been having financial issues.

If you have a relationship question, please reach out to me as I am offering a special deal of only $45. Just go to the tab "Reports & Consultations."

As always, thank you for sharing my content with others that might find it of interest!


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