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Unveiling Sense of Importance: The Telltale Signs of a Writer's Sense of Significance in Letter Sizes: Handwriting Analysis

Our writing trail of ink/pencil, known as the "ductus," serves as a tangible reflection of our energy. The path our pen takes across the paper mirrors our journey through life itself. Certain aspects of our handwriting offer insights into corresponding aspects of our lives. Any deviation from the expected norm, akin to a departure from the copybook, signals an imbalance. By discerning which specific aspect of our writing corresponds to which area of our life, we can pinpoint the precise imbalance requiring attention in our lives.

There are 4 "global qualities" contained within our handwriting this give the foundational information about ourselves: size, slant, pressure, spacing.

While for a full handwriting analysis there are accurate measurements done using special tools. But, for general information one can glean much information from even casually looking at a handwriting sample.

Size is on a continuum going from very small to very large. When analyzing anything about handwriting we are always comparing how it deviates from copybook - the model that we learned in school.

size of handwriting
Size Continuum

The insights gleaned from the size of handwriting provide clues about a person's egoic tendencies. It's crucial to understand that our "ego" serves as the interface between ourselves and the external world, encompassing our individual identity and drive for self-preservation in the physical realm. Our ego wants us to be safe, comfortable and accepted. It is a much like a mask in that it is what we show to people. Behind that mask, though, is something deeper; our soul which delves into the profound existential and spiritual dimensions of our existence, representing the animating force beyond superficial constructs like job titles or income, revealing who we truly are at our core.

size of handwriting
Size Examples

The size of our handwriting (note that we are looking at the height of our middle zone letters - not the overall height that includes upper/lower loops.) For example, in the image below we would look to the height of the letters a, m, i and beginning of the y. (The example below shows that the upper zone loops and lower zone loops measure at about 2x the height of the middle zone....More on that in a future post.)

handwriting zones
Zones example

The size of this "middle zone" relates to

  • ego needs of the writer

  • the writer's sense of importance

  • what the writer thinks of self and role in life

  • shows how writer can be expect to project this self-image onto others

  • **this is a foundational measurement for everything else measured in the handwriting

General meanings of various sizes: (Note - the more extreme the size, the more extreme the meaning)

  • Small size: Ego likes job related achievements and person doesn't project their ego needs onto others. Great powers of concentration.

  • Average size: Fits into conventional settings.

  • Large: Ego needs others to recognize them. Needs to be around people.

When you encounter someone with large overall size, they are ones that can dominate the room you are in; they need attention and validation. At the other end of the spectrum, the person with very small handwriting, because they can validation from more interior things such as their work, their interior personal achievements, they don't project ego needs onto others. In the extreme for both, there is some misbalance of their energy. Important though, and something a future blog post will be on, is how proportionate the other zones (upper/lower loops) are to the height of their middle zone.

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