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Ancient methods for discovering the "Keys to Your Soul"
in order to successfully play the game of life.

What does your soul need in order to be fulfilled and happy in this lifetime?

What are you really here for in this lifetime? What "fate" were you born with?

If you have ever wondered these things, my expertise can guide you to the "keys to your soul."

Welcome to Soul-opoly, your go-to source for invaluable insights to lead an authentic and fulfilling life. If we desire a life filled with meaningful partnership with our children, wealth, and relationships, it's essential to first nurture a strong connection with ourselves. This entails understanding our life's purpose, recognizing our true selves, and discovering our unique path. With over 35 years of experience in depth psychology, personality, handwriting analysis, Vedic/Western astrology, birthday astrology, name vibrations, characterology, bioenergetics and more, I provide individuals with the accurate insights needed to uncover their soul's contract—the core of who they truly are, beneath the public persona they might portray.

Socrates Quotes

Utilizing these techniques, it is possible to accurately identify innate strengths and weaknesses, as well as the challenges we face and the thought patterns we must overcome. I can also detect if you're trapped in fear and complexes, to what extent, and how to break free from them. Insights from past, present, and future perspectives offer valuable information and guidance.

What's especially fascinating is the ability to gain immediate insight into the significant people in our lives, such as potential or current partners. Understanding their deepest challenges—ones they might not even be aware of—and learning about their origins can help determine what they need in a partner and gauge their overall capabilities. Compatibility is significant, but it is truly one's "relationship capacity" for maintaining a healthy relationship that holds the utmost importance. 

Carl Jung believed in the importance of exercising free will while untangling ourselves from our "complexes," which are core patterns of emotions, memories, perceptions, and desires organized around a common theme that strongly influences an individual's behavior and thoughts. Identifying your core complexes and their influence on your soul's free expression is an essential step. These complexes, or knots of energy within us, are readily seen in one's handwriting, and one's challenges can be observed in their birth chart. The degree to which they have a hold on us is also evident through examining one's writing. In order to lead our best life possible; an authentic life where we are operating from conscious choosing over that of habitually reacting, We need to learn what our "knots", or complexes are. In making these conscious, only then are we able to be free of the hold they have on us. Our complexes get played out in all of our relationships - and we all have some, to varying degrees.

Shadow and Jungian Astrology

My master's research and thesis focused on "Phi in Handwriting as an Indicator of Psychic Balance." To provide context, Jung's concept of the psyche is based on three main components: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the body. The term "psyche" embodies the entirety of human mental and emotional experiences. Meanwhile, phi, or the golden ratio, refers to a harmonious proportion present in nature contributing to the beauty and balance we observe around us.

Sacred proportion

Analyzing one's handwriting using the golden ratio of 1:1.6 allows for an assessment of the balance or imbalance within one's psyche or "soul." This is possible because our handwriting is an expression of our subconscious mind, with our hand merely acting as the instrument to convey it.

Additionally, I have authored a book chapter titled "Reading the Energy of Thought," wherein I discuss and provide examples of how our writing can reveal our thought patterns and habits, as well as some "graphotherapy" insights which is using hand movement exercises to change your brain due to the neuroplastic nature of our brain. The paragraph below is taken from the chapter.

Reading the energy of though - Heroic Journey of Soul

Embark on a transformative journey by immersing yourself in blog posts, participating in upcoming classes, and connecting with other soul seekers. Whether you're seeking personal growth, greater understanding of your children, or stronger relationships with your partners, I invite you to join me and unlock your true potential.

Ultimately, and perhaps crucially, comprehending our children's strengths and areas for improvement allows us to offer the support they genuinely need, rather than sticking to preconceived ideas. Our children are unique individuals, and I can help you discover their innate abilities, inclinations, strengths, and challenges. By doing so, you can support them in navigating life grounded in their inner wisdom, cultivating personal growth and development, ultimately enabling them to live their best life in alignment with their true purpose.

I look forward to be of assistance in the journey of your soul or providing insight into important people in your life.

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